A list of the most active GitHub users
This is a list of most active GitHub users in Argentina over the past year. Other countries/regions can be found here.
This list was generated at 2025-03-28 01:35:14 +0000
and machine-readable JSON is available for:
This list is generated with this piece of code. The logic is as follows (in pseudocode):
.filter(_.location == 'Argentina')
This list contains all contributions for each user (public & private). There are 93760 total users in the region and you need at least 50 followers to be on this list.
Badges are also available, which you can include on your profile pages. Simply include the following markdown for users:
For organizations, you need to use a slightly different markup:
In case you aren't currently ranked on this page, you'll simply receive an "unranked" badge.
Rank | User | Contribs | Picture |
1. | jpromanonet (Juan P. Romano) |
488252 | |
2. | EzequielTartaglia (Ezequiel M. Tartaglia) |
8578 | |
3. | sweetmantech (sweetman.eth) |
7824 | |
4. | francosbenitez (Franco Sebastián Benítez) |
6764 | |
5. | Israel-Laguan (Israel Antonio Rosales Laguan) |
5896 | |
6. | CrossNox (Javier Mermet) |
5246 | |
7. | Julianidiego (Diego Hernán Juliani) |
4809 | |
8. | solidsnk86 (Gabriel Calcagni) |
4653 | |
9. | avdata99 (Andres Vazquez) |
4496 | |
10. | rolivencia (Ramiro Olivencia) |
4453 | |
11. | lndgalante (Leonardo Galante) |
4378 | |
12. | paratustra (francisco parata) |
4211 | |
13. | facundocarballo (Facundo Carballo) |
4129 | |
14. | jrgarciadev (Junior Garcia) |
4028 | |
15. | ulysses-ck (Ulises) |
3836 | |
16. | rmarku (Ricardo Martin Marcucci) |
3683 | |
17. | kamillm (Kamil Luis Maria Ponce) |
3581 | |
18. | AlejandroDiBattista (Alejandro Di Battista) |
3435 | |
19. | gnandretta (Gabriel Andretta) |
3397 | |
20. | flesler (Ariel Flesler) |
3394 | |
21. | speedbuild98 (Lautaro Gallardo) |
2946 | |
22. | rodoviario (Rodolfo) |
2935 | |
23. | BraveJero (Jerónimo Brave) |
2888 | |
24. | maurobonfietti (Mauro Bonfietti) |
2846 | |
25. | sicarul (Pablo Seibelt) |
2747 | |
26. | lucasefe (Lucas Florio) |
2730 | |
27. | elrebelde21 () |
2679 | |
28. | kzu (Daniel Cazzulino) |
2654 | |
29. | reynico (Nico) |
2563 | |
30. | ghostbar (Jose-Luis Rivas) |
2514 | |
31. | jayad23 (Kz) |
2505 | |
32. | Martin-Molinero () |
2501 | |
33. | matiasperz (Matias Perez) |
2473 | |
34. | lucperkins (Luc Perkins) |
2466 | |
35. | imlauera (Andrés Imlauer) |
2444 | |
36. | phansys (Javier Spagnoletti) |
2441 | |
37. | pyoneerC (Max Comperatore) |
2361 | |
38. | gerlero (Gabriel Gerlero) |
2249 | |
39. | munshkr (Damián Silvani) |
2233 | |
40. | ggarra13 (Gonzalo Garramuño) |
2227 | |
41. | pcostesi (Pablo Alejandro Costesich) |
2202 | |
42. | tadeodonegana (Tadeo Donegana Braunschweig) |
2189 | |
43. | Yakuhito (yakuhito) |
2159 | |
44. | ulises-jeremias (Ulises Jeremias) |
2127 | |
45. | catdevnull (Nulo) |
2004 | |
46. | inkel (Leandro López) |
1986 | |
47. | ivantodorovich (Iván Todorovich) |
1983 | |
48. | Lartu (Lartu) |
1978 | |
49. | azimut (NCM) |
1974 | |
50. | mlomb (Martín Lombardo) |
1971 | |
51. | bak1an (Anton Baklanov) |
1948 | |
52. | EduMMorenolp (EduMMoreno) |
1943 | |
53. | mindiw01 (mindiw01) |
1936 | |
54. | matiasngf (Matias Gonzalez) |
1916 | |
55. | fedeya (Federico Minaya) |
1913 | |
56. | kblok (Darío Kondratiuk) |
1908 | |
57. | arielger (Ariel Gerstein) |
1876 | |
58. | matiascaputti (Matías Caputti) |
1838 | |
59. | bcardiff (Brian J. Cardiff) |
1816 | |
60. | djanowski (Damian Janowski) |
1816 | |
61. | retrofox (Damián Suárez) |
1807 | |
62. | jcrodriguez1989 (Juan C Rodriguez) |
1806 | |
63. | astrovm (astro) |
1784 | |
64. | SpartanJ (Martín Lucas Golini) |
1779 | |
65. | nbellocam (Nicolás Bello Camilletti) |
1741 | |
66. | jonathanhecl (Jonathan Hecl) |
1726 | |
67. | lajbel (Daniel Báez) |
1724 | |
68. | yabellini (Yanina Bellini Saibene) |
1723 | |
69. | ITurres (Arthur ITurres) |
1722 | |
70. | nmilcoff (Nico Milcoff) |
1714 | |
71. | fdodino (Fernando Dodino) |
1710 | |
72. | spalladino (Santiago Palladino) |
1704 | |
73. | LazyDuchess (Nahuel Rocchetti) |
1669 | |
74. | abustosp (Agustin Bustos Piasentini) |
1659 | |
75. | TomasSorgetti (Tomás) |
1646 | |
76. | asdolo (Lucas Raposeiras) |
1645 | |
77. | MauricioHernanCabrera (Mauricio Hernan Cabrera) |
1624 | |
78. | muriloommaia (Murilo Maia) |
1619 | |
79. | AgustinQuetto (Agustín Quetto) |
1607 | |
80. | ilitteri (Ivan Litteri) |
1603 | |
81. | eugenioclrc (Eugenio) |
1600 | |
82. | mdumrauf (Matías Dumrauf) |
1584 | |
83. | scarmuega (Santiago Carmuega) |
1583 | |
84. | ignacionr (Ignacio Rodríguez) |
1574 | |
85. | matricali (Jorge Matricali) |
1574 | |
86. | FrancoCirielli16 (FrancoCirielli) |
1557 | |
87. | lcaresia (Lucas Caresia) |
1555 | |
88. | ignmandagaran (Nacho Mandagaran) |
1551 | |
89. | jlsuh (Joel Suh) |
1548 | |
90. | ramasilveyra (Ramiro Silveyra d'Avila) |
1539 | |
91. | emapeire (Emanuel Peire) |
1531 | |
92. | Faridmurzone (Farid Murzone) |
1528 | |
93. | NicolasMontone (Nicolás Montone) |
1522 | |
94. | enzonotario (Enzo Notario) |
1500 | |
95. | nylzen (Nelson Tugores) |
1466 | |
96. | nanovazquez (Mariano Vazquez) |
1463 | |
97. | KernelDiego (Diego Gonzalez) |
1457 | |
98. | norman (Norman Clarke) |
1439 | |
99. | marcosfede (Federico Marcos) |
1428 | |
100. | babettsan (Barbara Sanchez) |
1401 | |
101. | faloi (Federico Aloi) |
1400 | |
102. | guidomb (Guido Marucci Blas) |
1399 | |
103. | jd-apprentice (jd) |
1378 | |
104. | fernandomg (Fernando Greco) |
1372 | |
105. | honi (Joni Bekenstein) |
1372 | |
106. | emaraschio (Ezequiel Maraschio) |
1370 | |
107. | petobens (Pedro Ferrari) |
1356 | |
108. | eecopa (Elias Emanuel Copa) |
1350 | |
109. | gerMdz (gerMdz) |
1347 | |
110. | arpowers (Andrew R. Powers) |
1344 | |
111. | arzafran (Franco Arza) |
1338 | |
112. | hugoArregui (Hugo Arregui) |
1311 | |
113. | ferminrp (Fermin Rodriguez Penelas) |
1292 | |
114. | RETroncoso (R.Troncoso) |
1277 | |
115. | agusmdev (Agus Marchi) |
1270 | |
116. | asterite (Ary Borenszweig) |
1257 | |
117. | fedebenelli (Federico E. Benelli) |
1251 | |
118. | maitzeth (André Iván) |
1247 | |
119. | glpecile (Gian) |
1246 | |
120. | deepch (Andrey Semochkin) |
1236 | |
121. | facundoolano (Facundo Olano) |
1232 | |
122. | MartinCura (martín) |
1225 | |
123. | emilioastarita (Emilio Astarita) |
1224 | |
124. | humbertodrc (Humberto Rivero) |
1202 | |
125. | Fabian-Martinez-Rincon (Fabian Martinez) |
1199 | |
126. | mariano-aguero (Mariano Aguero) |
1196 | |
127. | MCarlomagno (Marcos Carlomagno) |
1182 | |
128. | zapaiamarce (Marcelo Zapaia) |
1180 | |
129. | tomicapretto (Tomás Capretto) |
1177 | |
130. | gunwooko (Gunwoo) |
1173 | |
131. | bguiz (Brendan Graetz) |
1157 | |
132. | afilgueira (Adriano Filgueira) |
1148 | |
133. | francodamian (Betra) |
1137 | |
134. | benjamine (Benjamín Eidelman) |
1131 | |
135. | rodrigorioo (Rodrigo Río) |
1130 | |
136. | dpinones (Damián Piñones) |
1130 | |
137. | emalorenzo (Emanuel Lorenzo) |
1126 | |
138. | tamaraantonella (Tamara F) |
1124 | |
139. | vmari (Valentín Mari) |
1120 | |
140. | csrocha (Cristian Sebastian Rocha) |
1110 | |
141. | BrianValente (Brian Valente) |
1100 | |
142. | drakmail (Alex Maslov) |
1094 | |
143. | tomirodeghiero () |
1091 | |
144. | biancarosa (bianca rosa) |
1089 | |
145. | silvestreh (Silvestre Herrera) |
1085 | |
146. | DarioSamo (Darío) |
1076 | |
147. | linsaftw (Juan Cruz Linsalata) |
1070 | |
148. | mnibor (Marcelo André Robin) |
1069 | |
149. | sojeda (Sergio Ojeda) |
1065 | |
150. | alexx855 (Alex Pedersen) |
1064 | |
151. | NicolasJEngler (Nicolás J. Engler) |
1062 | |
152. | florluzduarte (Florencia Luz Duarte) |
1055 | |
153. | groldan (Gabriel Roldan) |
1035 | |
154. | motiontx (Vittorio Retrivi) |
1024 | |
155. | Soyagvs (Agustin Martinez) |
1019 | |
156. | gvolpe (Gabriel Volpe) |
1018 | |
157. | gedankenstuecke (Bastian Greshake Tzovaras) |
1017 | |
158. | juancarlospaco (Juan Carlos) |
1016 | |
159. | danteGiuliano (Dante R. Giuliano) |
1006 | |
160. | lucypero (Lucy) |
1000 | |
161. | acrespo (acrespo) |
997 | |
162. | TomMalbran (Tomás Malbrán) |
995 | |
163. | LucianoTreachi (Luciano Treachi) |
987 | |
164. | RecoX (Lucas Recoaro) |
975 | |
165. | marcosbort (Marcos Bort) |
971 | |
166. | marcosnils (Marcos Nils) |
963 | |
167. | rolodato (Rodrigo López Dato) |
958 | |
168. | gastoncaminiti (Gaston Caminiti) |
958 | |
169. | jjo (JuanJo Ciarlante) |
951 | |
170. | markski1 (Markski / JG) |
946 | |
171. | pabloruiz55 (Pablo Ruiz) |
943 | |
172. | ncostamagna (Nahuel) |
927 | |
173. | lucasromerodb (Luke ✨) |
926 | |
174. | emilianog94 (Emiliano Gioia) |
925 | |
175. | tute (Tute Costa) |
922 | |
176. | fedeisas (Fede Isas) |
917 | |
177. | jelitox (Javier León) |
914 | |
178. | GuidoSantiagoReta (Guido Santiago Reta) |
912 | |
179. | evaferreira (María Evangelina Ferreira) |
906 | |
180. | jorgeucano (Jorge Cano) |
894 | |
181. | carpicoder (Matias Coletta) |
892 | |
182. | Piarrot (Pablo Baleztena) |
887 | |
183. | jpgonzalezra (jpgonzalezra) |
887 | |
184. | emaxi (Maxi) |
873 | |
185. | davidoreiro97 (David Oreiro) |
855 | |
186. | mrmalvicino (Maximiliano Raúl Malvicino) |
854 | |
187. | fmo91 (Fernando Martín Ortiz) |
853 | |
188. | FlyingPumba (Iván Arcuschin) |
852 | |
189. | gurupratap-matharu (Gurupratap Matharu) |
847 | |
190. | RaniAgus (Agustin Ranieri) |
844 | |
191. | zeo-return-null (Juan Sepulveda) |
843 | |
192. | tiago1820 (Tiago de Oliveira) |
841 | |
193. | matifanger (Matias Fanger) |
836 | |
194. | gris (João Gris) |
834 | |
195. | maggialejandro (Alejandro Maggi) |
833 | |
196. | seppo0010 (Sebastian Waisbrot) |
832 | |
197. | kinrokinro (0xAN) |
829 | |
198. | iglosiggio (Ignacio Esteban Losiggio) |
829 | |
199. | nventuro (Nicolás Venturo) |
828 | |
200. | gianu (Sergio Rafael Gianazza) |
828 | |
201. | Nekidev (Rafael Bradley) |
827 | |
202. | lisandroseia (Lisandro Seia) |
822 | |
203. | alanrios21 (Alan Rios) |
813 | |
204. | hookdump (Ignacio) |
811 | |
205. | damianmarti (Damian Martinelli) |
810 | |
206. | Beor18 (Fernando Lopez) |
808 | |
207. | pepoviola (Javier Viola) |
807 | |
208. | Markkos89 (Marcos Iglesias) |
805 | |
209. | gastonprieto (Gaston Prieto) |
803 | |
210. | dulicito (Dulicito) |
802 | |
211. | Axenide (Adriano Tisera) |
802 | |
212. | SamuelCarmona83 (Samuel Carmona) |
801 | |
213. | eliasvelazquezdev (Elias Velazquez) |
801 | |
214. | cacalo (Gonzalo Bechara) |
793 | |
215. | TevesManuel (Manuel Teves) |
793 | |
216. | BenjaTK (BenjaTK) |
791 | |
217. | nicobevilacqua (Nicolás Bevilacqua) |
791 | |
218. | Santiago-j-s (Santiago Santana) |
782 | |
219. | atralice (Antonio Tralice) |
782 | |
220. | pablomayobre (Pablo Ariel Mayobre) |
779 | |
221. | julianbenegas (Julian Benegas) |
774 | |
222. | mateosilguero (Mateo Silguero) |
769 | |
223. | PatricioBordon (Patricio) |
762 | |
224. | diegodorado (Diego Dorado) |
755 | |
225. | phreda4 (Pablo Hugo Reda) |
754 | |
226. | betzerra (Ezequiel Alejandro Becerra) |
749 | |
227. | franleplant (Fran Guijarro) |
747 | |
228. | nearnshaw (Nicolas Earnshaw) |
745 | |
229. | natanael-lima (Natanael Lima) |
743 | |
230. | TuQmano (Juan Pablo Ruiz Nicolini) |
740 | |
231. | andreuscafe (Andrés Nicolás Tonello) |
738 | |
232. | elmato (Matias Romeo) |
730 | |
233. | devmontini (Franco Montini) |
727 | |
234. | opensas (opensas) |
726 | |
235. | facundobatista (Facundo Batista) |
724 | |
236. | TBM13 (Mateo Trueba Di Como) |
723 | |
237. | joac (Joaquín Sorianello) |
721 | |
238. | mmontone (Mariano Montone) |
721 | |
239. | emiarias (Emilse Arias) |
720 | |
240. | brunocascio (Bruno Cascio) |
713 | |
241. | pgalkin (Pavel Galkin) |
712 | |
242. | goncy (Gonzalo Pozzo) |
706 | |
243. | federicomiranda (Federico Miranda) |
703 | |
244. | HoracioGutierrez (Horacio Gutierrez) |
699 | |
245. | dacap (David Capello) |
698 | |
246. | itscrisu (Cristian Dominguez) |
698 | |
247. | perberos (Perberos) |
694 | |
248. | agustinkassis (Agustin Kassis) |
687 | |
249. | jvuletich (Juan Vuletich) |
680 | |
250. | nicoRomeroCuruchet (Nico Romero) |
678 | |
251. | FdelMazo (Federico del Mazo) |
674 | |
252. | dileofrancoj () |
673 | |
253. | doorgan (Dorgan) |
670 | |
254. | ssofiaavila (Sofia Avila) |
664 | |
255. | vng (Viktor Havaka) |
663 | |
256. | bauti-defi (bauti.eth) |
656 |
Rank | Organization | Members |
1. | crystal-lang | 2 |
2. | heyatlas | 2 |
3. | cuis-smalltalk | 2 |
4. | basementstudio | 2 |
5. | dyallab | 2 |
6. | aerolab | 2 |
7. | cualbondi | 2 |
8. | rubyargentina | 2 |
9. | peronio-ar | 2 |
10. | plone-ve | 1 |